Monday, November 2, 2009

The Double Standard

So on Halloween, after our typical party of Twister and Murder in the Dark, lots of food, and amazing costumes, we stayed awake with a small group of mixed company and discussed...relationships.  We all got to "paint a picture" or "Van-Gough it" with our ideal mate.  There was a complete double standard.  The guys got to describe the typical barbie type of girl.  When it got to my friend and I, we both had similar descriptions of the "bro" type of guy.  The guys all decided that our descriptions were shallow and that all bros are rude and whatever.  There was no topic left untouched including my love of a hot back on a guy or the perfect curve of a butt on a girl.  We learned that most guys like untouched, natural nails and don't really like girls with trucks.  These both hit home because I almost never leave the house with plain nails and I drive a truck.  Granted I don't have the lifted truck with pink suspension, or "bro-ho" truck, but I do have a girly truck.  We were named shallow for being attracted to guys that wake and snowboard, dirt bike, and drive big trucks, while the guys sat there and said that their ideal was a girl who was about 5' 7" tall and 115 pounds.  We also covered the topics of facial hair on guys, the need for long hair on girls, to which I responded you take care of my long hair for a month and realize how much work it takes, then you tell me to keep my hair long for you.  How annoying it is when a girl orders a salad and picks at it also got brought up.  Basically we could not mention personality and how that can change a person's looks or any of the attractive traits of personality.  Overall, it was an interesting discussion and lasted until four in the morning.  I learned quite a bit from it and would love to have a discussion like this again with a different group of guys and girls.  

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